About Us


reaching the unreached

Our Story

Ambassadors Fellowship Inc. (AFI) is an international, interdenominational, African-American led, multi-ethnic mission agency which has as its mandate to reach the lost world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The organization seeks to assist the church God’s people, to fulfill the purpose that Jesus has for it to accomplish today; Carry the good news of salvation to every nation locally, nationally, and internationally. AFI sees its role as being an arm of the church for the extension of the Kingdom of God throughout the world.

Ambassadors Fellowship Inc is committed to the task of missions (Mk. 16:15, Mt. 28:19-20) through widespread vision casting, the engagement, training and sending of laborers into ministry in service to God where He leads. The sending focus for long-term laborers is to the places in the world which remain least reached and unreached with the gospel. The ministry of AFI is an expression of the outworking of the gospel through the reflecting of God’s love to His people (Mt 9:35 and II Cor 5:12-19)

Additionally, Ambassadors Fellowship Inc. (AFI) strives to involve minorities into the work of the harvest, locally and globally – from this country and others. The Leadership of AF fells it is essential for the entire body of God to rise up to the challenge of obedience to the command in Mt. 28:19… “Make disciples of all nations…”

Our Leadership Team

Lily Field

Executive Director

Lily Field is an African American, Certified Family Nurse Practitioner and missionary with over 17 years of full-time experience.  She served as a full-time medical missionary in an orphanage for critically ill and abandoned children in Haiti for nine years. Her mission was to raise up disciples for Christ that would go to the unreached nations. She did this by meeting their need for a mother, healthcare and intensive discipleship and through expressing the love of God to the children.  After 9 years, she was called to reach Muslims for Christ, which she did through an international student outreach in the US.  She was also called to reach under-reached populations in the U.S., through work-place evangelism, focusing on populations such as the homeless and incarcerated.  In 2016, Lily became a full-time mission’s leader with Ambassador’s Fellowship, Inc (AFI) and in 2019 became the new Executive Director. She is stationed in the U.S. but travels around the world to recruit, train and send equipped missionary teams to unreached nations.  She continues to minister in Haiti, while expanding her ministry to the Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist dominated regions of the world and locally with discipleship groups.  

Lily is a passionate missions speaker and writer and teacher of the Perspectives world missions course.


Pastor Fitz Barclay, Jr.

Pastor Fitz Barclay, Jr.

Board Chair/Pastor, Teacher, Advocate, Author


Pastor Barclay currently serves as Pastor of the Morgan Park Church, Inc., in Chicago, Illinois, and as CEO of the Victory House, a non-profit women’s shelter.  His  journey in ministry began thirty five years ago and he is still standing, trusting and believing God.  Pastoring has given him the opportunity to serve individuals from all lifestyles.  As a Pastor,he has interceded as an advocate for housing education, legal representation and civil rights for the underserved and underprivileged populations of Chicago.  Being in the trenches as an inner-city pastor to 10-25 families has been an excellent experience and a great responsibility. 

Pastor Barclay founded the Men’s Midwest Conference in 1987 when God gave him the vision to esteem men in various walks of life. In 1992, he was honored by the United States Congress for his service to the community. Pastor Barclay established Victory House Shelter for Women in 2011 by the leading of the Lord. It has since effectively restored over two dozen women. Pastor Barclay also taught in public schools for 34 years.

Pastor Barclay graduated from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 1988. He subsequently completes graduate studies in Mexico. He holds a degree in Social Justice and Pastoral Studies from Loyola University in Chicago. In June 2019, he was awarded an honorary doctorate in Humanities from United International Seminary.

Pastor Barlcay met Pastor Virgil Amos in 1985 during a missions conference in Los Angeles, California. They bonded and worked together to impact the kingdom of God these many years. Pastor Barclay remains proud to serve Ambassadors Fellowship as Chairman of the Board.  



Dr. Michael Johnson

Dr. Michael Johnson

1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:

Dr. Michael Johnson has been involved in overseas missionary work since 1984. He and his wife, Kay were accepted to full time work with World Gospel Mission in 1989. Their ministry has taken them to several sites in Africa, including The Sudan, The Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire), Ethiopia, Uganda; Kenya where they worked for 20 years, and short term work in Haiti.

Their work in Kenya included working in mission hospitals (Tenwek, Kijabe and St. Mary’s), where Michael functioned as surgeon, and Kay’s responsibilities included administration and finance. God gave them the ministries of The Least of These, and A Prepared Place allowing them to work with a variety of indigenous Kenyan organizations. That work included providing food, clothing, and education and in-country adoption services for orphans. They were able to help build self-sustainable sources of food and water for rural populations. Their supporters helped fund the building of a full primary school and pay for secondary and college education for orphans. The Johnsons returned to the United States in 2010, and currently reside in Delaware. Their ministries now include healthcare for the ‘medically indigent’ in Philadelphia at the Miriam Medical Clinics which they co-founded , counseling to the incarcerated and as the medical director for the Hope Pregnancy Center in Philadelphia providing the resources to help women and girls make life affirming decisions.

Michael is a co-founder of the Nazarene Narrative, an organization dedicated to promoting the unity of believers in the midst of the political and social divide that ravages the body of Christ.  Michael serves as board member of Project MedSend which serves to support medical professionals who dedicate their lives in service to the underserved both in the continental US and overseas by paying their student loans for during their years of service.

Michael attended medical school at University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Kay is a graduate of Walden University MBA program in Minneapolis Minnesota. During their 44 years of marriage, God has blessed them with four (now adult) children and seven grandchildren. Their home church is the Tasker Street Missionary Baptist Church in Philadelphia.

Pastor Leonard Roy Harris

Pastor Leonard Roy Harris

Vice Chairman and Corporate Secretary


Pastor Leonard Roy Harris has been honored to serve on the AFI Board of Directors for many years. A school teacher until he was drafted, Pastor Harris served as a missionary in Korea while serving in the U.S. military.  He became a pastor while in the field. He later served with Ambassadors Fellowship as a short-term missionary with the Benin Mission for 11 years. He also served twice in Nigeria, once in Ghana and once in India, and was involved in other ministry and fellowship experiences.

Pastor Harris has been married to his lovely wife Darlene for 50 years. They have twin daughters.




Mrs. Thelma Jones

Mrs. Thelma Jones

Board Member/Treasurer

Thelma Jones received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior in 1954. She surrendered her life fully to Jesus Christ in 1977. She is a 1991 graduate of the Los Angeles Bible Training School. Married for 34 years, she and her husband have four children ,eight grandchildren, six great-grandchildren. Mrs. Jones was commissioned March 1990 as a Home Missionary with Ambassadors Fellowship.  She served as the National Prayer Director for AFI from 1989 until 2004, and has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2013.


Rev Virgil Amos

Rev Virgil Amos

Founder / Advisor to the Board

Rev. Virgil Lee Amos is the Founder of Ambassadors Fellowship.  Virgil served for 10 years, with his family, as a missionary with Operation Mobilization in Spain, Belgium, England, India, Sri-Lanka, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and Afghanistan.  During those years of ministry, Virgil spent eight years ministering to Muslims in the Middle East.

Virgil studied missions at Moody Bible Institute.  He received his bachelors and Masters Degrees in Social Science and Missions at Biola University and Talbot Seminary.  Virgil received a honorary Doctorate Degree in 2008 from the Jameson Schools of Ministry and Theology in Philadelphia, PA. 

Virgil is a frequent speaker in churches, on college and university campuses, and at mission conferences.  He holds pastors seminars in Africa, Europe, and the United States.  Virgil also does mission lectures in various cities on the Perspectives Course on the World Christian Movement.  Virgil’s passion is to see  pastors, churches, and denominations brought back to Biblical discipleship on the continent of Africa, and in various other nations.  He desires to see God raise up a large number of  Prayer and Intercessory groups across the United States to raise up laborers for the harvest, and to weaken the forces of evil through spiritual warfare.  He believes God to raise up an army of disciplers who will plant hundreds of small church fellowships in the Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu worlds.  Virgil’s heart and focus is to reach the unreached, and least reached peoples with the gospel. 

Virgil and his wife Martha have two daughters:  Norma Allen, and Lou Ellen Garcia.  Norma, along with her husband Cornell, live in Denver, Colorado.  Lou Ellen and her husband, Art, are veteran missionaries from Spain.  They now live in Calhan, Colorado.  Virgil & and his wife Martha are based in the Black Forest area north of Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Martha Amos

Martha Amos

Board Member Emeritus

Making Disciple-makers

Our strategy for fulfilling the great commission is through training all staff to be true disciples who develop small groups of individuals who will love Jesus immensely and serve Him totally, impacting the regions around them until Jesus glory fills the earth.

All Current Campaigns

Our Doctrine

We believe:

  • The Bible, which is verbally and plenary inspired by the Holy Spirit, inerrant, infallible and authoritative Word of God.
  • The Holy Unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the three manifestations of the one true God.
  • In the fallen and lost state of man, whose total depravity makes necessary the new birth.
  • In the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, death, bodily resurrection, present exaltation at Gods right hand with His personal and imminent return.
  • In the atonement by the substitutionary death and shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • In the Resurrection of the saved unto everlasting life and blessedness in Heaven, the resurrection of the unsaved unto everlasting punishment in Hell.
  • The Church, the Body or Bride of Christ, consisting only of those who are born again, for whom He now makes intercession in Heaven and for whom He shall come again.
  • In the sanctification of the believers by the Holy Spirit through faith and the Word.
  • Marriage is between a man and a woman.
  • Christ’s command is to make disciples of all nations.