The Liele Company

How we reach the unreached

George Liele

TLC is named in honor of George Liele who was the first American missionary and first African American missionary. TLC is building on the rich legacy that exists in African Americans in missions despite enormous obstacles. 

George Liele was born in the 1700’s into a life of slavery. Shortly after his conversion and being given his freedom, Liele was led to pursue the call of God on his life. Through his life and ministry, a mission movement was launched that reached from Georgia to Jamaica, from Sierra Leone to Nova Scotia. 

Not only was Liele an effective missionary and evangelist, he was also known to be a church & school founder, an abolitionist, a master negotiator and an organizer. Although he may have begun life as a slave, Liele lived as a free man in Christ and was encouraged to invite others into this freedom. Because of this desire, George was himself a mentor and disciple-maker, encouraging his converts to go preach the gospel to the lost. 



The very purpose of The Liele Company (hereto referred as TLC) is to provide a monthly mentoring group for African American missionaries (or missionaries of the African descent living in or originally from America). TLC aims strategically to provide those who are preparing for long-term missions (raising support with a target date of leaving in less than a year) as well as those who still new to the mission field with mentorship with other African American missionaries who have five or more years of long-term field experience. 

The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2 

The Road to Success

The overarching goal of TLC is three-fold: 

1. Increase retention of African American missionaries on the field through intentional mentoring that meets the needs of the unique challenges that African American missionaries face. 

2. Develop a support network where the African American missionaries can: 

          > be mentored 

          > share with one another 

          > pray for one another 

3. Create unity among the African American missionary community that creates a platform for God to bring in a harvest of a larger number of African American missionaries. 


Would you like more information on the ministry or would like to be a ministry assistant/partner? Please contact the TLC leadership team at the email address listed below. 

Are you an African American missionary who is new to the mission field and would appreciate some guidance along the way? Have you started serving overseas and am looking for someone to come alongside? Are you an experienced missionary who feels the call to pour into those seeking wise, godly counsel? You are more than welcome to fill out an application. 

**Please be aware that all mentees and mentors will be accepted on an invitation basis ONLY and will be vetted by the group to preserve security, unity and furtherance of the gospel. 

Please put your information below or contact TLC Director at or (719)345-0012 Ext#1